Children's portrait in art and painting

The Three Youngest Daughters of George III :: John Singleton Copley

The Three Youngest Daughters of George III :: John Singleton Copley - Children's portrait in art and painting ôîòî
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John Singleton Copley (1737-1815) The Three Youngest Daughters of George III

Oil on canvas, 1785 The Royal Collection of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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Inge    July 29, 2015

Hey Bob, this is an awesome tiratuol and gives me a lot to think about. One thing I am having trouble figuring out is how to implement transitions between States.In a real game situation, the dwarf would have to actually leave the mine and that would take some time before you could switch to the next State. Another example would be a character has a Jump State and he needs to transition to the Fall State. Another might be a character is in a Running State and then wants to Throw a Punch State or [Expand]


Marat   User Rating: 376  November 13, 2019

John Singleton Copley portrayed his daughters. The color is cold and dull. I do not like this work.


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