Children's portrait in art and painting

Enfants turcs-cinq fillettes jouant a l'ombre de grands arbres :: Narcisse-Virgile Dнaz de la Peсa

Enfants turcs-cinq fillettes jouant a l'ombre de grands arbres :: Narcisse-Virgile Dнaz de la Peсa  - Children's portrait in art and painting ôîòî
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Narcisse-Virgile Dнaz de la Peсa (1808-1876) Enfants turcs-cinq fillettes jouant a l'ombre de grands arbres

Oil on canvas, 1853 (48.3 x 57.8 cm) ( 19 x 22,7 inch )

Public art collection

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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Marat   User Rating: 376  November 13, 2019

I do not like the artwork of Narcisse-Virgile Dнaz de la Peсa who painted five girls looking at the case. The painting is lifeless, artificial, color is poorly blended and mood is boring.


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