mythology and poetry

Constance In Captivity :: John Riley Wilmer

Constance In Captivity :: John Riley Wilmer - mythology and poetry ôîòî
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John Riley Wilmer (1905-1926) Constance In Captivity

Watercolour 1928 22.5 x 28 cm ( 8,9 x 11 inch )

Private art collection

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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Ayoungg    June 22, 2014

Yeah, obey those laws...even when they are so obviously wrong in this case. Do whats best for the deer, you oacififl morons, it wont survive in the wild now, and its as plain as day where it wants to be. Let them alone, the laws are made to make people safe, seems these people (and the deer) are safe.


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