mythology and poetry

Mars and Venus :: Paolo Veronese

Mars and Venus by artist Paolo Veronese - mythology and poetry ôîòî
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c. 1570, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Picture size is 206 x 161 cm, oil on canvas.

Venetian art of the 16th century

A painting by Paolo Veronese “Mars and Venus United by Love”.  In Venice, Veronese got acquainted with Titian's oeuvre, from whom he took a broad, loose style of painting, became feature of his works. 1560s year – a flourish of Veronese’s creation. A powerful figure of the god of war, in the shell and in red cloak, painted in the foreground of the painting, and nude Venus is reminiscent of antique sculpture. The striking harmony of the composition, accurate modeling and plasticity of the figures are emphasized with festive mood, expressive angles, and jubilant splendor of sonorous coloring.

image: Public domain

Submitted by: Nikki

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lucky95   User Rating: 491  December 6, 2019

Tags: Mars, Venus, baby, wings, angel, horse, rein, sword, statue, gold armor, red satin fabric, blue scarf, lush beard, earrings, necklace, head decoration, sky, clouds, trees, leaves, stone structure, path


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