mythology and poetry

Mars and Neptune

Mars and Neptune :: Paolo Veronese - mythology and poetry ôîòî
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1575-1578, Palazzo Ducale, Venice

The size of the painting 250 x 180 cm, oil on canvas. 

Mars and Neptune
Italian art of the 16th century
Picture of Paolo Veronese “Mars and Neptune”. The compositional structure of the painting is typical for Veronese - characters are closely grouped in the foreground of the picture; warlike figures of two mythical gods, flowered horse's head and a little in the shade - a menacing roaring lion. Veronese’s images are more festive than heroic, but at the same time their vitality, bright decorative power and the finest wealth of pictorial forms is truly extraordinary. Veronese understands “genre” not only for decorative compositions (which is natural), but in all subject compositions. Of course, colorful composition Veronese - not only poetic tales. They are truthful, and not only in private genre details, which master especially generously applied in the mature period of creativity.

image: Public domain

Submitted by: Nikki

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lucky95   User Rating: 491  December 6, 2019

Tags: Mars, Neptune, Trident, staff, shell, kids, wings, angels, sky, clouds, tower, lion, battle, flag, mast, horse, wreath, helmet, armor, muscle, leather belt, red Cape


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