mythology and poetry

Mars, Venus and Vulcan :: Joachim Wtewael

Mars, Venus and Vulcan by artist Joachim Wtewael - mythology and poetry ôîòî
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1600-1610, Mauritshuis, Hague

Size of the picture 21 cm x 16 cm, oil on canvas.

Mars, Venus and Vulcan

Mannerism in painting

Picture “Mars, Venus and Vulcan” painted by Dutch artist Joachim Wtewael based on the mythological stories of the ancient Romans (myths in relation to their gods Italic, corresponding to ancient Greek). For example, Venus, who revered as Frutis in some Italian cities, later identified by the Romans with Aeneas’ mother Aphrodite. Full title of the painting is “Mars and Venus Surprised by Vulcan”. In the painting, the artist depicted kiddingly a piquant scene of adultery among the Olympian gods.


Signs: interior, weapon, board, sword, armor, night vase, cup, bedroom, gods, mythology, ways, nu

image: Public domain

Submitted by: Nikki

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