men's portraits 16th century

Portrait of Emperor Rudolf II

Portrait of Emperor Rudolf II by artist AACHEN, Hans von - men's portraits 16th century ôîòî
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Oil on canvas, 60 x 48 cm
Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna

Portrait of Emperor Rudolf II

AACHEN, Hans von

image: Public domain

Submitted by: Nikki

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Vijaya    July 29, 2015

Jen - Wow. You did such a wonderful job with Misty. I rlacel her telling me that she was quite nervous but had a fun time with you. You are such a great photographer. Can't wait to work with you on Misty and Rey's Wedding. PS. I am Misty's Maid of Honor and I met with you with Misty at Starbucks. =)


Vikas    October 25, 2015

Wow! That is one cute baby. And I'm a guy, and thus afflicted with NMB Syndrome ( Not My Baby Syndrome , a dsiaese in which children that aren't your own don't look cute at all.). These are great shots, right out of a pampers commercial or something. But hey what's that I see? Your catchlights?ˆ¦are you using honest-to-goodness strobes???!! Softbox and an umbrella it appears to be, or perhaps window light and umbrella. And it's a silver umbrella rather than white, I'm guessing. Expand]


Noskov   User Rating: 56  May 12, 2017

Storicamente, la penetrazione di tappeti in Europa dall'Oriente associato con il periodo delle crociate, ma la familiarità con queste opere d'arte orientali ha cominciato molto prima. rapporti commerciali intensi con l'impero bizantino, le città del Mediterraneo di Genova, Venezia e Marsiglia provocato massiccia penetrazione delle merci orientali, tra cui tappeti in Europa. La prima menzione dei tappeti trovano nei poemi cavallereschi, così come essi sono incorporati in molti dei capolavori [Expand]


User   User Rating: 400  May 12, 2019

An interesting portrait, which despite the imperfection of writing draws attention to itself. The author probably wanted to attract attention precisely to the face of the emperor, to place his face in the center of the composition. It is brightly lit together with a snow-white lace collar that surrounds it like a halo. The greater part of the canvas is in the shadow, hidden from the viewer. Also bright accents are made by the metal details of the outfit, which appear as if from nowhere in darkness. [Expand]


lucky95   User Rating: 491  December 11, 2019

Tags: male portrait, brown eyes, plump lips, second chin, black hat with feather, gold chain with pendant, gold buttons, thick beard, mustache, dark background, bright brooches, white collar


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