men's portraits 16th century

Portrait of Two Young Men :: Giovanni Cariani

 Portrait of Two Young Men :: Giovanni Cariani - men's portraits 16th century ôîòî
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Giovanni Cariani (1485-1547) Portrait of Two Young Men

Oil on canvas Museu du Louvre, Paris

[ Portrait of two beautiful young men in rich clothes. The landscape on a background is interesting. It reminds us Leonardo da Vinci's pictures. At the left - road leaving afar, right - mountain. ]

image: Public domain

Submitted by: JenKiriakos

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User   User Rating: 400  May 9, 2019

The picture is interesting directly as an example of a portrait of this era. The author portrayed two characters at once, they are equally present in the composition, and the artist makes them different with the help of some details. The most important is the angle of rotation of the head. The artist seemed to exercise, drawing the young men in similar, but different poses. They look in different directions, one looks straight ahead, and the second, whose head is directed almost to the side, looks [Expand]


Ann   User Rating: 160  November 17, 2019

These two people look the same and different at the same time! their reaction to posing is different. One is embarrassed to stand in front of the artist, the second has taken the proper form


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