men's portraits 16th century

Portrait of a Man :: Raffaello Sanzio

Portrait of a Man :: Raffaello Sanzio - men's portraits 16th century ôîòî
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Oil on panel,

48 x 37 cm

Liechtenstein Museum, Vienna

This portrait shows some similarity with Perugino's Portrait of Francesco delle Opere, and formerly it was attributed to Perugino. The present attribution to Raphael is based on the stylistic correspondence with Raphael's portraits of the period, such as the Portrait of Agnolo Doni.


image: Public domain

Submitted by: Mila

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User   User Rating: 400  May 12, 2019

The painting, which combines portrait and landscape and is very distinctive, characteristically depicts the world of that period. It is simply imbued with the spirit of the Middle Ages. The face is slightly disproportionate, standardly turned, haircut and clothes are also typical for the 16th century. And the landscape, which looks a bit strange, is not very organically included in the composition, it also complements the atmosphere of the medieval canvas. In general, all the images are slightly [Expand]


Ann   User Rating: 160  November 17, 2019

this man is stern and gloomy, but he does not cause me negative emotions, like others from work of Raffaello Sanzio


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