Seascapes in art and painting

Hundreds of masterpieces on the theme of Sea landscapes with comments and descriptions.



Coastal landscapes

Coastal landscapes

sea shore
Sea landscapes with boats

Sea landscapes with boats

Sea landscapes with ships

Sea landscapes with ships



In The Mediterranean Sea :: James Webb
Seascapes - In The Mediterranean Sea :: James Webb
Far Away Thoughts :: Alfred Glendening
Seascapes - Far Away Thoughts :: Alfred Glendening
Fog off Mount Desert :: Frederic Edwin Church
Seascapes - Fog off Mount Desert :: Frederic Edwin Church

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User   User Rating: 400  June 24, 2018

The paintings depicting the sea are as varied as it is itself. Although, perhaps, it attracts more attention, when it is restless, agitated or even raging, then it becomes a real protagonist. Calm, the azure sea is usually only one of the elements of landscapes, urban species or portraits.


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