Balls and receptions

The Italian comedians :: Jean-Antoine Watteau

The Italian comedians :: Jean-Antoine Watteau - Balls and receptions ôîòî
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Jean-Antoine Watteau (1684-1721) Les Comediens italiens

Oil on canvas 81 x 67 cm ( 31,9 x 26,3 inch )

National Gallery of Art (Washington, DC, United States)

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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User   User Rating: 400  March 4, 2018

The painting by Jean-Antoine Watteau depicts the actors of the Italian comedy, who were one of the favorite objects of the artist's work. Characteristically, they appear to the viewer not on the real stage, but in the interior, which may be a playground for a theatrical performance, or may be an abstract room. Therefore, actors can be conceived as real comedians, or as an allegory of society ("All the world's a stage..."). One way or another, the author's technique is remarkable, he [Expand]


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