men's portraits 18th century

Portrait of Louis XVI :: Antoine-Fransois Callet

Portrait of Louis XVI by artist Antoine-Fransois Callet  - men's portraits 18th century ôîòî
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Antoine-Fransois Callet (1741-1823) Portrait of Louis XVI Oil on canvas, 1788 (278 x 196 cm) Museu national du Chateau, Versailles

image: Public domain

Submitted by: JenKiriakos

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WuDong   User Rating: 810  May 5, 2015

Dresden - the capital of Saxony, located in Germany. Previously, the east was a Soviet and it was called the German Democratic Republic. It is home to the Germans. Lomonosov studied in Dresden, then he served as Putin himself.

Dresden - a very ordinary town with large buildings. This city is located very close to Berlin. If you want to visit Berlin, then by train in two hours you reach it, and if you wanted to Prague, then you will reach in just one hour.

Dresden suffered so much during the [Expand]


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