
The Great Fete on the Grand Canal Venice :: Emma Ciardi

The Great Fete on the Grand Canal Venice :: Emma Ciardi  - Venice ôîòî
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Emma Ciardi (1879-1933) The Great Fete on the Grand Canal Venice

Oil On Canvas -1922 76.2 x 100.3 cm ( 30 x 39,4 inch )

Private art collection

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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WuDong   User Rating: 810  August 11, 2015

Durres: Buying The Ideal Real Estate

It is particularly difficult to get a beautiful apartment or property in hurry. Of course, when you are out looking for a family house to move into, one of the most important things when determining if a property is suitable or not is its location. Is there such place in Europe?

Happily, there is a beautiful place, Albania. People want to buy a house in the Durres - city for education and working. Durres has a nice weather. Durres is a modern, wonderful [Expand]


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