Men's portraits 19th century in art and painting (second half - 1850-1900)

Men's portraits 19th century (second half - 1850-1900)

Hundreds of masterpieces (men's portraits second half 19th century in art and painting) with comments and detailed descriptions.

men's portraits 19th century (second half)


Antonin Proust :: Anders Zorn
men's portraits 19th century (second half) - Antonin Proust :: Anders Zorn
Coquelin Cadet :: Anders Zorn
men's portraits 19th century (second half) - Coquelin Cadet :: Anders Zorn
Ernest Cassel :: Anders Zorn
men's portraits 19th century (second half) - Ernest Cassel :: Anders Zorn
Breakfast in the herb garden :: Anders Zorn
men's portraits 19th century (second half) - Breakfast in the herb garden :: Anders Zorn
Portrait Of Karl Radnitsky :: Anton Romako
men's portraits 19th century (second half) - Portrait Of Karl Radnitsky :: Anton Romako
Before fishing :: Fernand-Anne Piestre Cormon
men's portraits 19th century (second half) - Before fishing :: Fernand-Anne Piestre Cormon
The Conoisseur :: Giacomo Favretto
men's portraits 19th century (second half) - The Conoisseur :: Giacomo Favretto
President Grover Cleveland :: Anders Zorn
men's portraits 19th century (second half) - President Grover Cleveland :: Anders Zorn
Portrait of Henry Evans Gordon :: Lord Frederick Leighton
men's portraits 19th century (second half) - Portrait of Henry Evans Gordon :: Lord Frederick Leighton
Moorish Guard :: Edwin Lord Weeks
men's portraits 19th century (second half) - Moorish Guard :: Edwin Lord Weeks
Alfred-Emilien, Comte de Nieuwerkerke :: Franz Xavier Winterhalter
men's portraits 19th century (second half) - Alfred-Emilien, Comte de Nieuwerkerke :: Franz Xavier Winterhalter
Edouard Andre :: Franz Xavier Winterhalter
men's portraits 19th century (second half) -  Edouard Andre :: Franz Xavier Winterhalter
Fisherman :: Frank Richards, R.B.A.
men's portraits 19th century (second half) - Fisherman :: Frank Richards, R.B.A.
Prince Albert :: Franz Xavier Winterhalter
men's portraits 19th century (second half) -  Prince Albert :: Franz Xavier Winterhalter
The Maharajah Duleep Singh :: Franz Xavier Winterhalter
men's portraits 19th century (second half) - The Maharajah Duleep Singh :: Franz Xavier Winterhalter
William Douglas Hamilton, 12th Duke of Hamilton :: Franz Xavier Winterhalter
men's portraits 19th century (second half) - William Douglas Hamilton, 12th Duke of Hamilton :: Franz Xavier Winterhalter
Eustace Smith :: George Frederick Watts
men's portraits 19th century (second half) - Eustace Smith :: George Frederick Watts
Frederic Lord Leighton, PRA :: George Frederick Watts
men's portraits 19th century (second half) - Frederic Lord Leighton, PRA :: George Frederick Watts
Matthew Arnold :: George Frederick Watts
men's portraits 19th century (second half) - Matthew Arnold :: George Frederick Watts
Portrait of Sir John Everett Millais :: George Frederick Watts
men's portraits 19th century (second half) - Portrait of Sir John Everett Millais :: George Frederick Watts
Portrait of Thomas Carlyle :: George Frederick Watts
men's portraits 19th century (second half) - Portrait of Thomas Carlyle :: George Frederick Watts
Self-Portrait :: George Frederick Watts
men's portraits 19th century (second half) - Self-Portrait :: George Frederick Watts
The Master Smith of Lyme Regis :: James Abbott McNeill Whistler
men's portraits 19th century (second half) - The Master Smith of Lyme Regis :: James Abbott McNeill Whistler
Self Portrait :: Jules Bastien-Lepage
men's portraits 19th century (second half) - Self Portrait :: Jules Bastien-Lepage
A Happy Family :: Julius Weyde
men's portraits 19th century (second half) - A Happy Family :: Julius Weyde

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User   User Rating: 400  June 20, 2018

In the middle of the 19th century are created either portraits in a rather conservative manner ("A Happy Family" by Julius Weyde), or in the more modern - "Breakfast in the herb garden" by Anders Zorn. The portrait is not only an image of the face of the hero, but also a whole moment of his life, attention is paid to the environment, and the character does not seem to be posing, but naturally exists in it. Such pictures are more vital and cause for the viewer more emotions.


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