man and woman

Portrait of Antoine-Laurent and Marie-Anne Lavoisier :: Jacques-Louis David

Portrait of Antoine-Laurent and Marie-Anne Lavoisier :: Jacques-Louis David  - man and woman ôîòî
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Jacques-Louis David (1748-1825) Portrait of Antoine-Laurent and Marie-Anne Lavoisier

Oil on canvas, 1788 (256 x 195 cm)( 100,8 x 76,6 inch )

Metropolitan Museum of Art, Manhattan

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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Damino    October 25, 2015

- Nice work brother. I've found that few pepole can really excel at both portraiture work AND landscape/travel work. They usually are great on just one side or the other. But you seem to have a great eye on both sides of the spectrum, and really managed to capture this family in a natural way. Cheers!


Valentina    October 27, 2015

- some of your best work to date Kacy. That B&W one in the top right is absolutly stinunng. This girl should be a model she is gorgeous! Would love to see some of the other shots from this set. Amazing work as always Kacy


Johny    October 27, 2015

As a mediocre-looking Mormon mom, I have to denfed those of us who are average all the way down to fugly! Some of us have snaggle teeth, acne, poor taste in clothing, clubbed feet, unibrow, and unmentionable hair growing on our chin and upper lip. Not all of us are as gorgeous, talented, educated, hilarious and generous your poster-family for Mormons. Yet, aren't they a great advertising tool!? All jokes aside, as someone who has known them personally for quite a while and consider her as a close, [Expand]


Andrey    October 29, 2015

whenever i see a post that has the word mormon in it i never know what to epcext. will it be positive or really, really negative? seeing that i am also a mormon and that we have been getting a lot of heat lately, it always makes me nervous!they are a beautiful family and this was a great post (and it doesn't hurt that it was 100% real)i've also been a secret reader but now felt like i could comment. i don't know if we fit into the mormons are pretty stereotype but we do know [Expand]


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