Allegory in art and painting

Facial ( The Five Senses )- Gesicht :: Hans Makart

Facial ( The Five Senses  )- Gesicht :: Hans Makart - Allegory in art and painting ôîòî
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Hans Makart (1840-1884)

[ Die Funf Sinne- Gesicht (gr) ]

Oil on canvas 1872-1879 70 x 314 cm ( 27,6 x 123,4 inch )

Austrian Gallery Belvedere (Wien, Austria)

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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Kuba    December 21, 2015

Somehow I missed EVERYTHING this week, incidulng this post! Welcome to Wine Wednesday! I loved your review and I kinda agree on the riesling, off with the sweetness! I don't mind it though, by 4th sip I'm chugging


Marat   User Rating: 376  January 5, 2020

The artwork is vertical format painting. Hans Makart painted an incredibly perfect beauty who is gracefully standing and attentively looking at the glass. She is naked and body is fabulously colorful and expressive. She is evidently enjoying by her beauty and dreamt about something special. The artwork “Facial (The Five Senses)-” is ideal and perfect for modern Scandinavian style of interior decoration home decoration. I do like the artwork of Hans Makart. The tone of the painting is light and warm. [Expand]


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