Men's portraits 20th century

men's portraits 20th century


Fran?ois Barraud Autoportrait
men's portraits 20th century - Fran?ois Barraud Autoportrait
Portrait of Neville Chamberlain :: Sir William Newenham Montague Orpen
men's portraits 20th century - Portrait of Neville Chamberlain :: Sir William Newenham Montague Orpen
Portrait of Professor Giovanni Battista Amendola :: Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema
men's portraits 20th century - Portrait of Professor Giovanni Battista Amendola :: Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema
Self Portrait in an Interior :: Alfred Guillou
men's portraits 20th century - Self Portrait in an Interior :: Alfred Guillou

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User   User Rating: 400  June 28, 2018

Male image in the 20th century is quite realistic, strict and simple. There is no excessive pathos, the desire to embellish your appearance or to show oneself from the best side. On the contrary, there are works very self-critical, like the self-portrait of François Barraud, where the author portrayed himself grotesquely, almost caricatured, but, it seems, without a trace of irony, quite seriously. Perhaps the portraits of that period are trying to show the value of a man's personality, emphasizing [Expand]


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