men's portraits 15th century hall

Portrait of a Man

Portrait of a Man - men's portraits 15th century hall ôîòî
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c. 1502
Oil on wood, 45 x 31 cm
Galleria Borghese, Rome

Perudzhino had a great influence on Raphael and northern masters also. Actually in the 19th century this portrait of Raphael which can be dated by the period of his youth (about 1502) as thought, could be executed by Holbein and then thought Perudzhino while Giovanni Morelli didn't meet a consensus, attributing it to Raphael. This portrait, possibly the duke, for it speaks well his form of a hat. Portrait идеализирован in fine modeling of the volumes, falling hair and strictly looks. Approach very much differs from realistic style of northern painters who sought to include all realistic details including defects.

image: Public domain

Submitted by: Milona

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Ann   User Rating: 160  November 17, 2019

this unknown man cannot be called handsome, but there is something attractive about him. At least, I paid attention to a strong-willed look and chic long curly hair that flows over the shoulders


lucky95   User Rating: 491  November 28, 2019

Tags: male portrait, wavy hair, black hat, black cloak, brown eyes, look, dark sky, wide neck, curls on the forehead, long nose


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