Rural houses in art and painting

Rural houses


Dorchester Mill Oxfordshire :: Ernst Walbourn
Rural houses - Dorchester Mill Oxfordshire :: Ernst Walbourn
Woolhampton on the Kennet :: Henry John Yeend King
Rural houses - Woolhampton on the Kennet :: Henry John Yeend King
The Herdsmans Greeting :: Heywood Hardy
Rural houses - The Herdsmans Greeting :: Heywood Hardy
An Old Worcestershire Manor House :: Benjamin Williams Leader
Rural houses - An Old Worcestershire Manor House :: Benjamin Williams Leader
In A Country Churchyard :: Benjamin Williams Leader
Rural houses - In A Country Churchyard :: Benjamin Williams Leader
Silke Saugen :: Christian August Lorentzen
Rural houses - Silke Saugen :: Christian August Lorentzen
Woolhampton Berkshire :: Henry Hillier Parker
Rural houses - Woolhampton Berkshire :: Henry Hillier Parker
Court of Women :: Hippolyte Camille Delpy
Rural houses - Court of Women :: Hippolyte Camille Delpy
Orange Sellers :: Theodor von Hoermann
Rural houses - Orange Sellers :: Theodor von Hoermann
A Mediterranean Courtyard :: Jean Francois Raffaelli
Rural houses - A Mediterranean Courtyard  :: Jean Francois Raffaelli
A Quiet Read :: Vincenzo Irolli
Rural houses - A Quiet Read :: Vincenzo Irolli
The Cottage Garden :: George Spencer Watson
Rural houses - The Cottage Garden :: George Spencer Watson

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User   User Rating: 400  June 28, 2018

Rural landscapes are pleasant to the eye, like any picture of nature, but in addition they give a kind of coziness, home warmth and nostalgia. Perhaps most people are eager for city life, but almost everyone has a need, at least for a while, sometimes even to change the situation namely with that does not resemble a metropolis. Perhaps, the artists experience similar feelings when are writing these canvases, when they use natural simple shades, represent unpretentious places, which there are many, [Expand]


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