Wedding scenes in art and painting

Here there are hundreds of super-rich masterpieces depicting a wedding, a wedding or a newly-married couple. Artists of the past and contemporary authors. You can upload your picture to this section by registering on the site.

Wedding scenes in art and painting

See also:

Romantic scenes in art and painting

Romantic scenes in art and painting

Wedding scenes


Call to Arms :: Edmund Blair Leighton
Wedding scenes - Call to Arms :: Edmund Blair Leighton
The Path Of Roses :: William Frederick Yeames
Wedding scenes - The Path Of Roses :: William Frederick Yeames
The Wedding Breakfast :: George Elgar Hicks
Wedding scenes - The Wedding Breakfast  :: George Elgar Hicks
The Wedding :: Adrien Moreau
Wedding scenes - The Wedding :: Adrien Moreau
The Young Bride :: Charles Sillem Lidderdale
Wedding scenes - The Young Bride :: Charles Sillem Lidderdale
The day after the wedding :: Jules Girardet
Wedding scenes - The day after the wedding :: Jules Girardet
Departing on honeymoon :: Jules Girardet
Wedding scenes - Departing on honeymoon :: Jules Girardet

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User   User Rating: 400  June 11, 2018

Wedding scenes generally show the festive moments of the wedding day or the day after it. They are imbued with joy, anticipation of happiness, harmony. But some pictures are dedicated to weddings in which not everything is so festive - "Call to Arms" of Edmund Blair Leighton leaves a disturbing impression, letting the viewer understand that the young husband should immediately return to military service, and all the joyful moments of the day are over.


lucky95   User Rating: 491  December 5, 2019

Tags: kiss on the cheek, hat with feather, girls with handkerchief, carved Windows, carriage, box, chest, red wheels, dog, ladder, arch, tree, black shoes, handkerchief, big house, women's handbag, cavalier, rope


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