Portrait of a girl, a bride, who is really young. At first glance, thanks to her high hairstyle and veil, gently descending to her shoulders, she seems more mature, but it's worth looking at the face and it becomes clear that yesterday she was a girl. Very cute, fresh, a little flirty image, like a flower just opened.
lucky95   User Rating: 491  December 5, 2019
Tags: female portrait, veil, flower in hairstyle, earrings, red dress, dark eyes, plump lips, sky, trees, sunset
Portrait of a girl, a bride, who is really young. At first glance, thanks to her high hairstyle and veil, gently descending to her shoulders, she seems more mature, but it's worth looking at the face and it becomes clear that yesterday she was a girl. Very cute, fresh, a little flirty image, like a flower just opened.
Tags: female portrait, veil, flower in hairstyle, earrings, red dress, dark eyes, plump lips, sky, trees, sunset