Wedding scenes

Call to Arms :: Edmund Blair Leighton

Call to Arms by artist Edmund Blair Leighton - Wedding scenes ôîòî
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Edmund Blair Leighton (1853-1922) Call to Arms

Oil on canvas -1888

Private art collection

see also: Antique world scenes in art and painting

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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User   User Rating: 400  August 17, 2018

The picture is almost devoid of the traditional wedding atmosphere. It shows the moment when a young man, who has just become a husband, is calling for an army service. Perhaps there is a conflict, it is not clear how dangerous it can be for him, what is the probability that he will return to his young wife - all this creates a tense, anxious mood, although the canvas demonstrates a fairly peaceful scene.


lucky95   User Rating: 491  December 5, 2019

Tags: man and woman, flowers, hat, armor, spears, weapons, people in Windows, old lady, stairs, stone floor, sky, orange roof, open Windows, carved walls, kokoshnik, dress, dagger, chain, wreath, beard, dress


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