Galleries  >>  Italy

Masterpieces painting with architecture scapes of Italy



The Prisoners' Excavation of the Roman Forum :: Otto Wagner
Italy - The Prisoners' Excavation of the Roman Forum :: Otto Wagner
Firework Display at the Castel Sant' Angelo in Rome :: Joseph Wright of Derby
Italy - Firework Display at the Castel Sant' Angelo in Rome :: Joseph Wright of Derby
View of the Port of Ripetta, a Rome :: Hubert Robert
Italy - View of the Port of Ripetta, a Rome :: Hubert Robert
Interior of the Pantheon, Rome :: Giovanni Paolo Pannini
Italy - Interior of the Pantheon, Rome :: Giovanni Paolo Pannini
Capriccio of a Round Church with an Elaborate Gothic Portico in a Piazza, a Palladian Piazza and a Gothic Church Beyond :: Canal
Italy - Capriccio of a Round Church with an Elaborate Gothic Portico in a Piazza, a Palladian Piazza and a Gothic Church Beyond :: Canal
A Rainy Day in the Vomero Naples :: Attilio Pratella
Italy - A Rainy Day in the Vomero Naples :: Attilio Pratella
Napoli, da Toledo :: Frans Vervloet
Italy - Napoli, da Toledo :: Frans Vervloet
View of Naples :: Claude-Joseph Vernet
Italy -  View of Naples :: Claude-Joseph Vernet
The Tower of San Vitale :: Joseph Edward Southall
Italy - The Tower of San Vitale :: Joseph Edward Southall
View of the Palazzo Vecchio in Florence :: Antonietta Brandeis
Italy - View of the Palazzo Vecchio in Florence :: Antonietta Brandeis

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User   User Rating: 400  June 23, 2018

Italy has a huge architectural heritage, many works from which are known everywhere. But the painters are attracted also by fairly simple, inconspicuous objects, which at some point create a composition worthy of their pen. The canvas "Firework Display at the Castel Sant 'Angelo in Rome" by Joseph Wright of Derby opens a sunset view from the famous castle to the nearby buildings, much less familiar to the public. And in the work "A Rainy Day in the Vomero Naples" Attilio Pratella shows a simple, [Expand]


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