Art scenes from literary works in painting and art

Art scenes from literary works in painting and art

Masterpieces with comments and detailed descriptions.

Art scenes from literary works


Lady Godiva
Art scenes from literary works - Lady Godiva
Museum of Picardy, Amiens.

Jules Joseph Lefebvre
Little Red Riding Hood :: Gabriel Joseph Marie Augustin Ferrier
Art scenes from literary works - Little Red Riding Hood :: Gabriel Joseph Marie Augustin Ferrier
The Loving Cup :: Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Art scenes from literary works - The Loving Cup :: Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Celia from As You Like It :: Sir James Dromgole Linton
Art scenes from literary works - Celia from As You Like It  :: Sir James Dromgole Linton
Juliet, 'O That I Were A Glove Upon That Hand' :: William Powell Frith
Art scenes from literary works -  Juliet, 'O That I Were A Glove Upon That Hand' :: William Powell Frith
Hamlet et les Fossoyeurs :: Pascal-Adolphe-Jean Dagnan-Bouveret
Art scenes from literary works - Hamlet et les Fossoyeurs :: Pascal-Adolphe-Jean Dagnan-Bouveret
Rosalind, As You Like It :: Henry Nelson O'Neil
Art scenes from literary works - Rosalind, As You Like It :: Henry Nelson O'Neil
Sappho at Leucate :: Antoine-Jean Gros
Art scenes from literary works - Sappho at Leucate :: Antoine-Jean Gros
Three Ravens :: Edward Frederick Brewtnall
Art scenes from literary works - Three Ravens  :: Edward Frederick Brewtnall
Sappho and Phaon :: Jacques-Louis David
Art scenes from literary works - Sappho and Phaon :: Jacques-Louis David

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User   User Rating: 400  June 28, 2018

It is always interesting to see the interpretation of one fictitious image by another author in a different genre. To the artist, on the one hand, in this case it is difficult - after all the hero already possesses certain features, but, on the other hand, it is easier than in the case of a real person portrait, there is always an opportunity to add something of your own, to supplement the character without contradicting the author. The picturesque embodiment of literature must go hand in hand with [Expand]


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