Art scenes from literary works

Juliet, 'O That I Were A Glove Upon That Hand' :: William Powell Frith

 Juliet, 'O That I Were A Glove Upon That Hand' :: William Powell Frith  - Art scenes from literary works ôîòî
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William Powell Frith (1819-1909) Juliet, 'O That I Were A Glove Upon That Hand'

Oil On Canvas -1862 76 x 63.5 cm ( 29,9 x 25 inch )

Private art collection

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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Margherita    July 29, 2015

- Hi Megan,I have been reading your blog for quite soemmite and I just love and admire the images you are able to create. I have been interested in photography for quite soemmite and so in the last month I purchased the Nikon D7000. I had been going through your archives and when I found out you had this same camera I was thrilled!!!! So now sorry this is taking so long .I have some questions As a 17 yr [Expand]


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