Street and market genre scenes

Crepe Maker :: Louis Robert Carrier-Belleuse

Crepe Maker by artist Louis Robert Carrier-Belleuse - Street and market genre scenes ôîòî
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Louis Robert Carrier-Belleuse (1848-1913) Crepe Maker

Oil on Canvas -1874 92 x 73 cm ( 36,2 x 28,7 inch )

Private art collection

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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Winlove    June 22, 2014

I will buy one from you *if* I get a little one we have a line on a 10-year-old boy, but I don't think he will be a good caidadnte for babywearing!!!Honestly, I do have some slings that people gave me when I started fostering but I've gotten older kiddos so far .so we will see if I get to use them. I never knew about babywearing when my kids were little (my youngest is 6.5 years old) and would love to give it a try (although honestly, I am enjoying having older kiddos in the home which is odd as [Expand]


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