Masterpieces of painting-city streets



Fire on Pont Neuf :: Johan Barthold Jongkind
Streets - Fire on Pont Neuf :: Johan Barthold Jongkind
The Stork Fountain in Amagertorv :: Paul Gustave Fischer
Streets - The Stork Fountain in Amagertorv  :: Paul Gustave Fischer
Along the Canal :: Cornelis Springer
Streets - Along the Canal :: Cornelis Springer
Street scene with figures :: Cornelis Springer
Streets - Street scene with figures :: Cornelis Springer
Institute of Framce and the Bridge of Arts :: Jean Francois Raffaelli
Streets - Institute of Framce and the Bridge of Arts :: Jean Francois Raffaelli
A Village Street on Sunday Eve :: John Atkinson Grimshaw
Streets - A Village Street on Sunday Eve :: John Atkinson Grimshaw
Autumn Evening :: John Atkinson Grimshaw
Streets - Autumn Evening :: John Atkinson Grimshaw
Autumn Sunshine Stapelton Park :: John Atkinson Grimshaw
Streets - Autumn Sunshine Stapelton Park :: John Atkinson Grimshaw
View of Grote :: Jan Hendrik Weissenbruch
Streets - View of Grote :: Jan Hendrik Weissenbruch

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User   User Rating: 400  June 24, 2018

There is something fascinating in the views of streets, something that holds attention. They usually have a dynamic atmosphere, it seems, the characters are about to pass, and on a deserted street there will be a car or a single pedestrian. The life of the street is full of events, and the pictures showing it suddenly place the viewer in their midst, causing them to fantasize about what might have happened before and after the captured moment. I especially like "The Stork Fountain in Amagertorv" [Expand]


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