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It is vertical format painting. Johannes Vermeer painted the woman who is very close to the syncope. She is strong believer. Something unusual and unbelievable happens in the room. She was quietly reading the religious books, praying and what occurs with Christ on the crucifix. The woman catches her heart and is near the faint. The artwork is perfect and ideal for Italian interior style of home decoration. The paint is energetic and exciting. But the mood of the work is depressing and jarring. The color is not rich. I like it the painting Johannes Vermeer “Allegory of the Faith”.
The artwork is vertical format painting. George Frederick Watts painted a teen whose life is not easy and rather difficult. The boy is very close to the death. He is near lying and fighting with something terrible and unavoidable. Who wins, it is not clear. The teen is weak, he lost his strength and his will but the death is strong and it is already covering the boy by its hand. George Frederick Watts painted something that draws my attention. Astonishing atmosphere and nicely terrific color. I love the artwork “Love and Death”.
The work is vertical format painting. It is perfect and ideal for Hispnac interior style of home decoration. I like the artwork of George Frederick Watts “Hope”. The woman who is personified the hope is really beautiful and gracious. We do not see her face but we can guess that the “hope’ is truly beautiful. Otherwise, the life would be cruel and disgusting. She is elegant and charming, she is graceful and marvelous. Absence of embellishments is only perfectly reflected her incredible beauty. The painting is harmonious and vibrant. The composition is well-balanced. The color is rich. Fabulous atmosphere.
The artwork of Franz Xavier Winterhalter is vertical format painting. It is best and perfectly suited for modern Italian interior design style of home decoration. Franz Xavier Winterhalter depicted a beautiful and fabulous woman with lively flowers in her hand and hair. She is peacefully standing in her amazing beauty. Her marvelous look is really magnetized and her light and seductive smile is amazed anybody. She seems happy. The artwork is full of happiness and life. Its color is warm and rich. I do like the painting “The Sring”.
The artwork of Thomas Couture is horizontal format painting. It is best and perfectly suited for England interior style of home decoration. I do not like the artwork of Thomas Couture who painted a half-naked woman who is sitting in the coach and four men are pulling it. The men are lively chatting and woman are driving on. The old anxious woman is sitting behind her. The painting is pale and jarring, composition is not well-thought-out. Color is cold and not rich. I do not like the artwork “Study for The Thorny Path”.