nu art in mythology painting

Lamia :: Herbert James Draper

Lamia :: Herbert James Draper - nu art in mythology painting ôîòî
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Herbert James Draper (1863-1920) Lamia

Oil on canvas Public collection

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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WuDong   User Rating: 810  April 24, 2015


Lamia is a character in Greek mythology. Daughter of Poseidon, the monster. Lamia was once queen of Libya, beloved of Zeus and bore him children. Hera out of jealousy killed them and deprived of the supreme god Zeus beloved sleep. Lamia was forced to take refuge in a cave and at the behest of Hera into a bloody monster, kidnap and devour other people's children.

Since Hera deprived her of sleep, Lamia tirelessly roamed at night. Zeus took pity on her gave her the opportunity to remove [Expand]


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