Men's portraits 18th century

Men's portraits 18th century - art and painting

Here are some characteristic features of the male portrait of the 18th century:

  • 1. Spreading Grandeur: 18th century male portraits often depicted men in all their grandeur, emphasizing their social status and power.
  • 2. Formal attire: The men in the portraits were often depicted in luxurious outfits, such as wide-collared shirts, fur robes, lined vests, wigs and hats. This emphasized their wealth and prestige.
  • 3. Elements of the colonial style: Along with fashion, elements of the colonial style appeared on men's portraits, such as epaulettes and dapper decoration of clothes with ribbons and fringes.
  • 4. Posing: Men in portraits often posed in static and elevated poses to convey their status and dignity.
  • 5. The main focal point is the face: The men in the portraits of the 18th century were mostly depicted in full-length or semi-profile, but the main attention was paid to their faces, conveying expressiveness and individuality.

Of course, each portrait could have its own unique features, but these features are common to the male portrait of the 18th century.

men's portraits 18th century


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User   User Rating: 400  June 20, 2018

The image of a man in the 18th century becomes more elegant, refined, even feminine. This can be traced both in the style of clothes or hairstyles, and in the manner in which the faces are represented by artists. It is difficult to find a portrait that can be called courageous, heroes give the same attention to appearance as women, if not more.


lucky95   User Rating: 491  November 23, 2019

Tags: man, headscarf, dark background, portrait, costume


Zoja    September 30, 2020

Image for "Men's portraits 18th century - art and painting"

Gilbert du Motier, marquis de Lafayette. 1834

Joseph-D?sir? Court - R?union des mus?es nationaux

Public Domain


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