men's portraits 18th century

Portrait of Peter I :: Adolsky Ivan

Portrait of Peter I by artist Adolsky Ivan - men's portraits 18th century ôîòî
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Adolsky Ivan.

Prior to 1725

Oil on canvas. 38.5 x29, 5 oval.

Estimated on the basis of the attribution of similarity methods such as letters and those with large portraits of Catherine I I. Adolskogo.

Peter I (1672-1725) - son of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich and Natalia Kirillovna Naryshkina.

With the 1682 regulations, together with his brother Ivan, in 1696 - autocratic. The first Russian emperor (from 1721).

Depicted in armor and brocade gown on the red lined, with a ribbon of St. Andrew's, with long black hair and mustache, in the sky, foliage and dark-brown drapery.

The State Hermitage Museum. St. Petersburg

image: Public domain

Submitted by: AnnaDanko

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Diana   User Rating: 2075  October 15, 2019

Portr?t von Peter I :: Adolsky Ivan

Portrait de Pierre Ier:: Adolsky Ivan


פּאָרטרעט פון פעטרוס איך :: Adolsky איוואן

Ritratto di Pietro I:: Adolsky Ivan

彼得一世,画家阿多尔斯基伊万的肖像 [Expand]


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