Published: March 4, 2012

Guggenheim Museum gave a grant to study Picasso


New York's Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum has received a grant to study paintings of Pablo Picasso's "Woman of ironing" (1904, Woman Ironing), writes The New York Times. It is known that under the picture there is another image - male portrait, painted by Picasso and found after X-rays, but due to lack of necessary funds to study the picture is constantly postponed.

The portrait depicts a man with a mustache. Scientists suggest that Picasso could do a self-portrait, but some people think that he painted a portrait of his friend, the tailor Benet Soler. The main objective of the study is to determine the identity of the model.

In an interview with Picasso's biographer noted that during this period the artist is often recorded canvases, to not buy new ones because of their high cost. It is assumed that under the "Women for ironing," which refers to the blue period, hiding the product of another period.

Grant Museum gave Bank of America. It is planned that the money will explore the lower layers of the picture, and in addition, the product will be restored. October 5 job, which shows a pale, thin woman, barely holding the iron iron, will be exhibited at the Guggenheim Museum exhibition "Picasso. Black and White."

By AnnaDanko,   -


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