Marat   User Rating: 376  December 26, 2019
The work is vertical format painting. It is perfect and ideal for Islamic interior style of home decoration. I do not like the artwork of Maria Martinetti “Arab Paris Guard”. She depicted Arab guard who is standing with a sabre in his hand. He wears a nice, colorful and beautiful clothes. Arab guard is very confident in his power and strength. He looks strong and full of courage. The composition of the artwork is well-structured and color is rich but I do not like this work as it is jarring and [Expand]
The work is vertical format painting. It is perfect and ideal for Islamic interior style of home decoration. I do not like the artwork of Maria Martinetti “Arab Paris Guard”. She depicted Arab guard who is standing with a sabre in his hand. He wears a nice, colorful and beautiful clothes. Arab guard is very confident in his power and strength. He looks strong and full of courage. The composition of the artwork is well-structured and color is rich but I do not like this work as it is jarring and [Expand]