scenes of Oriental life (Orientalism) in art and painting

A Grand White Enuch Watching Doves :: Jehan Georges Vibert

A Grand White Enuch Watching Doves by artist Jehan Georges Vibert - scenes of Oriental life (Orientalism) in art and painting ôîòî
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Jehan Georges Vibert (1840-1902) A Grand White Enuch Watching Doves

Oil On Panel 64.8 x 43.2 cm

Private art collection

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

Return to section: scenes of Oriental life (Orientalism) in art and painting (151-300)

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Marat   User Rating: 376  December 28, 2019

The artwork of Jehan Georges Vibert is vertical format painting. Jehan Georges Vibert painted the man who is serving as enuch. Usually such a person works at harems. Most likely, at present time he has nothing to do so that he is simply and attentively watching doves. The artwork is ideal for modern Moroccan style of interior decoration home decoration. I like this warmly colored and well-structured artwork. Jehan Georges Vibert painted a nice and impressive artwork “A Grand White Enuch Watching [Expand]


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