Published: July 7, 2012


(English figurative art, fr. Art figura-tif, It. Bildende Kunst) - the section of the plastic arts that have emerged on the basis of visual perception and creating peace in the image plane and in space: these are paintings, sculpture, graphics. Features of the depiction may be in the architecture and decorative art, their work space and perceived visually, but they are only conditionally sometimes referred to as FINE ART.

At the heart of FINE ART is a complete image of the objective world, including the man himself. Although FINE

FINE ART somehow visually reproduces the observed objectively existing qualities of the real world (size, color, space, objects and forms of light and air), it is not the direct fixation of visual perception. The artist creates an artistic image, even when he was only accurately reproduces the main features of the original. Creativity is in FINE ART FINE ART prerequisite for reproduction of reality, mimesis, As the creative force FINE

FINE ART is a form of infinite creative power of reality itself, is in the works FINE ART FINE ART an opportunity to contemplate the nature itself.

Unlike the other arts (literature, music, theater, cinema) FINE ART is primarily an art space, and therefore limited in their ability to play time and the associated time development activities. Nevertheless, FINE ARTS, too, can reproduce the temporal development inherent means of arts output beyond the specifics of FINE ART entails a weakening of the creative force, falling into a literary, a kind of assembly, characteristic of a movie, etc.

Recreating a great, dramatic or tragic moment of life, FINE ART closer to the ideal of living reality, or, in the words of Diderot, the heart of nature. The image through the sensory aspect of things and the most visible features of the human epoch reveals the inner nature of phenomena, the spiritual life of individuals and the whole time. However, the content FINE qualitatively different from the illustrations, political, philosophical, religious, aesthetic and ethical ideas. Art idea of ​​fine art can be adequately transferred only its inherent representational means of arts.

For typical FINE ART artistic tools include drawing, color, plastic, light and shade.

By JenKiriakos,  


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