Published: October 10, 2012

Leonardo da Vinci – Isleworth Mona Lisa

Leonardo da Vinci – Isleworth Mona Lisa  

According to the director  Mona Lisa Fond (Fundaci?n de la Mona Lisa) in Switzerland Stenli Feldman, is more than ten years in whose hands a portrait, the smile of the woman on it is more brightly expressed, and the person - is younger and fresher. Today it is considered that Leonardo wrote Lisa Dzherardini's portrait, Francesco del Dzhakondo's wife, the Italian nobleman which ordered his manufacturing.

The Italian expert Alessandro Vezzosi specializing on da Vinci, considers a picture as the grotesque belonging to a brush of the unknown artist. However, a number of experts and historians adhere to the version that da Vinci drew Mona Lisa young and left work incomplete, having promised to return to it in 15 years. Therefore in later version, is much thinner worked, perfectionism of the artist is already strongly pronounced. It is considered that work on a portrait proceeded to Leonardo's death. There are proofs of that, as in the last days of the life the artist continued to improve each square centimeter of a cloth.

Dzhokonda belonging to brothers Stanley and David Feldmanam's the "younger" version which, by their own words, aren't going to sell it, was written about 1505. For the last forty years the picture was stored in the bank safe in Switzerland. And Englishman Hugh Bleyker, in the thrown mansion in the west of England found a cloth in 1913. How and when the picture got to this mansion it is not known yet. In a find place work called "Isleworth Mona Lisa" (Mona Lisa Isleworth). After Bleyker's death in 1936, the portrait was bought by the American collector Henry Pulitzer (Henry Pulitzer) who placed it on storage in bank. In 1972 Pulitzer published the book in which argued that the author of a cloth is Leonardo da Vinci. However, the publication didn't cause a big resonance. When Pulitzer died, in 1979, "Isleworth Mona Lisa" carried over the Swiss Fund.

That fact that drew with Leonardo the same picture twice, experts explain tendency of the artist to replication of the works. Despite infinite disputes and discussions between curators, artists, experts and fans of art about authorship of a picture, a mysterious smile of the woman and her eyes looking without hesitation, certainly ask to be created only by genius da Vinci.

By AnnaDanko,  


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Elver    July 29, 2015

oh Christie, I didn't know things were that hard. maybe that is why I like you so Brice is also that child. so unpphay and explosive. tantrums would go on for hours. i remember crying myself to sleep, knowing I had to get up and do it all over. i dreaded sending him anywhere. it is getting better, but i think both of us are still healing. we actually decided not to have a third because of all the struggles with him. i just couldn't risk having another child like him (though I do love him so, and [Expand]


Shashi    December 21, 2015

, just as you stated, that being with Him shuold be our one and only goal. Through everything highs and lows we need to stay close by His side. He shelters us in the palm of His hand.As a Grandma I have been where you are calmness, loving and caring those are the words that carry us through. If we get embroiled in a child's emotions it only carries us down the same path. Step back and ask for the calmness of He who calms the and blessings,Jan


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