Published: May 30, 2019

Portrait of Catherine Howard, the fifth wife of Henry VIII (1540 - 1541) by Hans Holbein the Younger

Catherine Howard (Kate) — the fifth wife of King Henry VIII. She was executed on charges of adultery. She descended from the noblest of the Howards.

After the death of the mother, Lady Kate was given to Agnes, the stepmother of her father, to be raised. In the house of this elderly relative, Kate did not receive a good education, but she early acquired the skills of 'love science', which was promoted by the atmosphere of licentiousness in the house.

Portrait of Catherine Howard, the fifth wife of Henry VIII (1540 - 1541) Hans Holbein the Younger


Sir Thomas Howard, Duke of Norfolk, attached his niece to the court. By that time, King Henry was divorced from his fourth wife, Anna Klevskoy, and was already looking out for his fifth wife. Young Kate attracted the king, which did not escape the enterprising Howard. The marriage was concluded. Heinrich was very happy in this marriage. The king adored his spouse, called her “a rose without thorns”, because she possessed a kind, simple-hearted character, as the child rejoiced at the gifts.

However, the young queen was too careless in her actions and connections, and she accepted all her friends of youth to the court, had relations with the page of the king.

This circumstance was taken advantage of by the enemies of Thomas Howard, the powerful uncle of the queen. The king was informed about the infidelity of his wife. There was a strict inquiry. The king was in despair, but not hiding tears, was forced to order the imprisonment of his young wife in the Tower. Soon in front of a curious crowd, she was executed.

Here Catherine is depicted as a strict, self-respecting, real wife of the king. The free temper of a young woman is not visible. Perhaps this contributed to the strict clothing, a modest flavour of the portrait.

By Arta,  


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