7 female portraits ( the end of 19 centuries ) in art and painting

The concubine of the Emir :: Charles Auguste Imile Durand

The concubine of the Emir by artist Charles Auguste Imile Durand  - 7 female portraits ( the end of 19 centuries ) in art and painting ôîòî
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Charles Auguste Imile Durand (1838-1917) La Fille De L Emir

Oil on canvas, 1883 (186.1 x 109.9 cm) ( 73,3 x 43,2 inch ) Public collection

see also: Harem scenes

image: Public domain

Submitted by: JenKiriakos

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Popovici    October 25, 2015

Thanks, Jon.I received a CD eprecxt of the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People as a gift. In the discussion, they talk about tasks that are:1. Urgent and Important2. Non-Urgent and Important3. Urgent and Not Important4. Non-Urgent and Not ImportantThey go into detail on section 3 those tasks that are urgent to others but actually not getting you anywhere near your values and goals. It sounds like your door-knockers belong firmly in that category.Good luck dealing with them!


Abi    October 27, 2015

If these 50 points are so imrnptaot, why the hell doesn?ˆ™t he address these issues on the floor of the House when it?ˆ™s in session? Why isn?ˆ™t it posted as a blog article? Have you tried to look him up on youtube? There are loads of C-SPAN vids of him speaking on the floor of the House. Tons of vids of him giving detailed descriptions of his various views. Tons of vids from his debates in '88, '08 and the present Republican primary debates. Tons of vids of media interviews. couldn't [Expand]


Khairul    October 27, 2015

kimberreley:firstly your vids firstly your vids are great and thnkas for them. Secondly I am only just starting out and I keep seeing people almost tapping their fingers on the strings when playing a chord. Why is this done and can you show me how to do it please?! [url= [link=


Stefano    October 29, 2015

StraightDE:Thanks fpr the Thanks fpr the great tutorial, hpeeld me a lot I went through it an regonized that you are switching the strumming between Intro ( 1.. ???? ) and Verse (1 2 and and 4 and)Could some post the stumming for the intro please?


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