nu art in mythology painting

Apollo and Daphne :: Thiodore Chassiriau

Apollo and Daphne by artist Thiodore Chassiriau - nu art in mythology painting ôîòî
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Thiodore Chassiriau (1819-1856) Apollo and Daphne

Oil on canvas, 1845 Public collection

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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WuDong   User Rating: 810  April 24, 2015

The biggest offense was caused to Apollo by Aphrodite's son joker Erot, the owner of a magic quiver in whom there are both gold arrows, and black. Everything depends on mood of the god: will want - will send a gold arrow to the girl's heart, and she will fall in love with the first young man met by it, and the black arrow will cause in her heart hatred and fear at the word "love". Erot, having decided to prove that to him to spit wonderfully well Apollo, and having learned that that outright [Expand]


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