Village life

A Shepherdess with her flock :: Julien Dupre

A Shepherdess with her flock by artist Julien Dupre - Village life ôîòî
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Julien Dupre (1851-1910) A Shepherdess with her flock

Oil on canvas (49.5 x 61 cm)( 19,5 x 24 inch ) Private collection

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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Sontos    October 25, 2015

This is all sad. I have bought more of atrhous books from getting a free one of theirs and enjoying it and ending up buying more of the atrhous. Too I saw some places will post a few eBooks, but just the popular ones (ones that have been free forever). So with that, and the search over at Amazon not being able to show recently added free ebooks, but instead if you search, will give you all those classics, etc. Its sad because I'll miss out on discovering new atrhous to read which I could have [Expand]


Prazz    October 27, 2015

I was really exeticd when I first saw this app as I'd not heard of it before. I have an original ipad 16G WiFi. I don't have a lot of room for all my music on my device, but I have tons and tons of music in iTunes. When I read that the app integrates with I thought it would learn about what I like to hear and also pull music from and I would hear "fresh" music in genres that I like. But now I don't think that it does that and it is limited to only playing what I [Expand]


Mohamad    October 27, 2015

could be dismissed qkiucly, something I now am aware of!). So, it seems that the game could be played offline, with minute charges only accumulating when the ad is accessed.What concerned me more was what happened when I attempted to install a program that simulates dogs barking (my only foray so far into an app with no socially redeeming quality!). The file was named something like IQ_dogbarking or something like that.The files were modified and sent by bluetooth to my phone. When I launched the [Expand]


Bassna    October 29, 2015

Use a VPN on your iPhone ? Or somehow chngae your location on your phone ? Also idk if you can but if there's a web version of?»? songza go on that ?Idk I love it lol thank god I live in Canada.


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