I liellarty jumped out of my chair and danced after reading this!
Carlos    October 27, 2015
Exo kero na se divaso, ploraa auta esthanome thn idia gnorimh esthish... thn ypervatikh.Apo tote pu exo na se "do" exeis ginei 31... ego se 3 vdomades apo shmera Epishs, nomizo oti se exo dei sto kafe tu Ianou... an den hmun atomo diskolo sta koinonika tha su eixa milisei, apo thn allh omos, an den hsun esy?Cheers!Na eise kala Vita Expand]
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Sinte    October 29, 2015
mixali,nomiza oti xerate pou pagenite.tin kopela den tin gnoriza mexri xthes kai gia na po tin alitheia den xreiazotan na tin matho.diorthono loipon...amixanoi logo synthikon....kai tora ti ? ayto itan ? den tha yparxei alli eukairia...;-)
Marat   User Rating: 376  December 26, 2019
The work is horizontal format painting. It is best and perfectly suited for modern Arabic interior design style of home decoration. I do not like the artwork of Charles James Theriat “Playing the Derbakeh, Biskra”. The artist painted Arab men who was playing the Derbakeh. The player sits on the carpet, he is tired and looks like a poor and misery person. His clothes are not good. We also saw the other man who is sitting not far from the player. The painting of Charles James Theriat is depressing [Expand]
I liellarty jumped out of my chair and danced after reading this!
Exo kero na se divaso, ploraa auta esthanome thn idia gnorimh esthish... thn ypervatikh.Apo tote pu exo na se "do" exeis ginei 31... ego se 3 vdomades apo shmera Epishs, nomizo oti se exo dei sto kafe tu Ianou... an den hmun atomo diskolo sta koinonika tha su eixa milisei, apo thn allh omos, an den hsun esy?Cheers!Na eise kala Vita Expand]
mixali,nomiza oti xerate pou pagenite.tin kopela den tin gnoriza mexri xthes kai gia na po tin alitheia den xreiazotan na tin matho.diorthono loipon...amixanoi logo synthikon....kai tora ti ? ayto itan ? den tha yparxei alli eukairia...;-)
The work is horizontal format painting. It is best and perfectly suited for modern Arabic interior design style of home decoration. I do not like the artwork of Charles James Theriat “Playing the Derbakeh, Biskra”. The artist painted Arab men who was playing the Derbakeh. The player sits on the carpet, he is tired and looks like a poor and misery person. His clothes are not good. We also saw the other man who is sitting not far from the player. The painting of Charles James Theriat is depressing [Expand]