Marat   User Rating: 376  December 28, 2019
It is horizontal format painting. Addison Thomas Millar depicted a group of sellers and buyers at the market. On the front of the work we see boy on the horse. It looks like he is the son of the merchant. The father is trying to feed the horse. The father is selling mostly carpets that are hanging over his small shop. The painting “In The Market” is perfectly suitable for Orient interior style of home decoration. The artwork is vibrant and natural one. I like the painting of Addison Thomas Millar [Expand]
It is horizontal format painting. Addison Thomas Millar depicted a group of sellers and buyers at the market. On the front of the work we see boy on the horse. It looks like he is the son of the merchant. The father is trying to feed the horse. The father is selling mostly carpets that are hanging over his small shop. The painting “In The Market” is perfectly suitable for Orient interior style of home decoration. The artwork is vibrant and natural one. I like the painting of Addison Thomas Millar [Expand]