Arab women (Harem Life scenes) in art and painting

The Teaser of the Narghile :: Jean-Leon Gerome

The Teaser of the Narghile by artist Jean-Leon Gerome - Arab women (Harem Life scenes) in art  and painting ôîòî
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Jean-Leon Gerome (1824-1904) Allumeuse de Narghile [The Teaser of the Narghile]

[ nude Odalisken, Wasserpfeife und Pool (gr) nude odalisques, hookah, and a pool (en)]

Oil on canvas, 1898 (54.6 x 66 cm)( 21,5 x 25,9 inch ) Private collection

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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Kzt    June 23, 2014

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