
Capriccio of the Rialto Bridge with the Lagoon Beyond :: Canaletto

Capriccio of the Rialto Bridge with the Lagoon Beyond :: Canaletto  - Venice ôîòî
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Canaletto (1697-1768) Capriccio of the Rialto Bridge with the Lagoon Beyond

Oil on canvas -1746 69.85 x 43.18 cm ( 27,5 x 17 inch )

Private art collection

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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WuDong   User Rating: 810  December 25, 2019

The real estate market in Italy: new perspectives

Real estate sales in Italy began to grow from the 80 - ies of the last century. The key reason-increased demand from foreigners who wanted to buy housing in a country with a mild climate and favorable living conditions. In the mid-90s, the market gained a second wind, and sales rapidly went up.

Until 2004, the number of real estate transactions grew by an average of 60% across the country, but this year was a watershed: the indomitable [Expand]


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