Rich interiors

A Medieval Christmas--The Procession :: Albert B. Wenzell

A Medieval Christmas--The Procession by artist Albert B. Wenzell - Rich interiors ôîòî
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Albert B. Wenzell (1864-1917) A Medieval Christmas--The Procession

Pastel on canvas 1898 183 x 117 cm ( 72 x 46 inch )

Private collection

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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Sanju    October 25, 2015

The XL actually comes with two styli: a nomral sized one and a thick, pen-sized one. Also, keep in mind that the DSi was released a year ago in Japan, it just took it forever to get stateside, so it's closer to 12 months between them, not 6. Either way, your point still stands: that is a super short, almost Apple-like time between iterations.The screen size thing is an interesting one. I didn't get my hands on a DSi for the first time until a couple months ago, and I was pretty surprised how noticeable [Expand]


Emy    October 27, 2015

I'm whining aleadry about Hubs having taken my laptop with him for two weeks of training (he left last night) which is probably a bad sign although when he IS home either he is using it and our toddler is watching some Disney channel show, or he's watching sports and she's watching Disney on the laptop, so really I was just looking forward to being able to use it We try to limit Goose's screen time, she gets to watch 1 show in the mornings after she's ready for daycare while I get ready for [Expand]


Gerardo    October 29, 2015

Ali-rzaamkanfoamation found, problem solved, thanks!


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