Portraits of elderly gentlemen in painting and art

Portraits of elderly men


Man Walking Dogs :: Jean Francois Raffaelli
Portraits of elderly men - Man Walking Dogs :: Jean Francois Raffaelli
A Clergyman Smoking :: Eduard von Grutzner
Portraits of elderly men - A Clergyman Smoking :: Eduard von Grutzner
A Monk in the Library :: Eduard von Grutzner
Portraits of elderly men - A Monk in the Library :: Eduard von Grutzner
Old Memories :: John George Brown
Portraits of elderly men - Old Memories :: John George Brown
Portrait of Mahmud Sevket Pasha :: Fausto Zonaro
Portraits of elderly men - Portrait of Mahmud Sevket Pasha :: Fausto Zonaro
Portrait of a Rabbi with Prayer Shawl :: Isidor Kaufmann
Portraits of elderly men - Portrait of a Rabbi with Prayer Shawl :: Isidor Kaufmann

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art1742   User Rating: 722  June 6, 2018

Image for "Portraits of elderly gentlemen"

Art by Tamara Lempika


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