2 women portraits 16th century hall

Portrait of Laura Eustochia :: TIZIANO Vecellio

Portrait of Laura Eustochia by artist TIZIANO Vecellio - 2 women portraits 16th century hall ôîòî
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Portrait of Laura Eustochia
c. 1529
Oil on canvas, 118 x 93 cm
Private collection

Probably in 1529, Alfonso d'Este asked Titian to provide a pendant to his (unfortunately lost) portrait, a portrait of his mistress, Laura Eustochia. The widower Alfonso had taken up with Laura in 1526, and in the following year she had produced a son, who was named after his father. Although unwilling to marry the humbly born Laura, Alfonso planned to include her son in his scheme for the succession.

image: Public domain

Submitted by: Birukoff

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