Galleries  >>  Cats

Cats in art and painting

Cats in art and painting



A Tour in Provence :: Jules Leroy
Cats - A Tour in Provence :: Jules Leroy
Four Kittens :: Henriette Ronner-Knip
Cats - Four Kittens :: Henriette Ronner-Knip
Little Friends :: Wilhelm Schwar
Cats - Little Friends :: Wilhelm Schwar
Over Matched :: Walter Hunt
Cats - Over Matched :: Walter Hunt
Tug of War :: Julius Adam
Cats - Tug of War :: Julius Adam
The Playful Kittens :: Julius Adam
Cats -  The Playful Kittens :: Julius Adam
Kittens Playing with Beetles :: Carl Reichert
Cats - Kittens Playing with Beetles :: Carl Reichert
A Mothers Pride :: Carl Kahler
Cats - A Mothers Pride :: Carl Kahler

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