Nu in art and painting

The dance of Salome and The Golden Butterfly :: Gaston Bussiere

The dance of Salome and The Golden Butterfly :: Gaston Bussiere - Nu in art and painting ôîòî
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Gaston Bussiere (1862-1929) La danse de Salome ou Les papillons d'or

Oil on canvas -1928 74 x 92 cm ( 29,1 x 36,2 inch )

Private art collection

image: Public domain

Submitted by: marina51

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WuDong   User Rating: 810  April 23, 2015

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User   User Rating: 400  April 15, 2019

Painting with a magical, mysterious atmosphere, it creates a sense of oriental tale. The heroine of the canvas is a graceful girl, she moves in a dance with butterflies, flies along with them, as if she is one of them. And the author wants to emphasize her natural beauty, dressing only in a breechcloth and a headdress, but they are richly decorated with precious stones and metals, this allows the viewer to understand the value of the natural beauty of the girl. Separate areas of the composition are [Expand]


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