Published: June 26, 2023

"Pond in Ville d'Avray", Camille Corot, 1865.

Landscape Pond in Ville d'Avray by Camille Corot, 1865


Oil on canvas, size: 25.5x34 cm. Kunsthalle, Hamburg, Germany, image: Public domain

Camille Corot (1796-1875) was one of the finest masters of French realistic landscape. He was not a direct predecessor of Impressionism, but his way of conveying the light environment and attitude to the immediate impression of nature were of great importance for the affirmation of Impressionist painting and were largely consonant with it.

In the painting "Pond in Ville d'Avray", the outlines of objects are blurry, intentionally depicting twilight, and the pond is covered with light mist. The desire to show transitional states is associated with the artist's desire for the viewer to experience the same impression of ever-changing nature while contemplating the landscape.

Transparent glazes envelop the forms, enhancing the silvery airiness. The image is permeated with Corot's personal attitude and mood. The unique harmony of the painting's color scheme is determined by gradations of silvery-pearly and azure-pearly tones. The variability of shades conveys the variability of the mood of the landscape itself, emphasized by the master's free painting manner. He focuses not so much on details as on conveying the overall impression, tonality, and form of the depicted motif.

style: realism

By winkArt,  


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